Thursday, December 11, 2014


Training for strength and flexibility is a must. You must use it to support your techniques. Techniques alone are no good if you don't support them with strength and flexibility." - Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee's training regimen involved all the components of total fitness. Apart from his daily martial arts training, Lee engaged in supplemental training to improve his speed, endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, rhythm, sensitivity, and timing.

Bruce Lee learned early on that the role strength played in the overall scheme of things was of vital importance, not only for its own sake but also because an increase in muscular strength brings with it greater mastery of striking techniques, increased speed and endurance, better-toned muscles, and improved body function. However Lee did not regard weight training as the "Holy Grail" to a athletic success. He recognized it for exactly what it was an important facet of total fitness that had to be integrated into one's training schedule along with other exercises to improve one's technique,  speed, agility, excetera.

"My strength comes from the abdomen. It's the center of gravity and the source of real power." - Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was particularly impressed with the fact that strength training, which typically involved weight lifting,  could increase one's speed and endurance capabilities. His belief that a martial artist must engage in training methods apart from the techniques and movements of the art he or she has been trained in was based on purely scientific grounds.

"If you are talking about sport, that is one thing. But when you are talking about combat - as it is - well then, baby, you better train every part of your body" - Bruce Lee

When Bruce Lee devised muscle development programs either for himself or his students, he always stressed compound exercises - that is, exercises that required two more muscle groups to be involved in the execution. Lee's reasoning was simple: he wanted harmony among all of his muscle groups so they could generate power in concert and would combine to accomplish a single objective.

"Above all, never cheat on any exercise city; use the amount of weight that you can handle without strain." - Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee experimented with many different martial arts and supplemental training programs. For example by looking at his 1963 training records we learn that Lee was working out and what would have to be described as a traditional fashion: he was performing forms or spending hours on the wooden dummy.

By 1970 his workouts were perfect examples of efficient cross training weight training for strength, running and cycling for cardiovascular efficiency, stretching for flexibility, the heavy bag for timing and applied power, and the speed bag for developing rhythm and timing.

"Some guys made not believe it, I spent hours perfecting whatever I did." - Bruce Lee

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


You can build strength and muscle without going to the gym, buying expensive home exercise equipment or even lifting a single weight. In fact, many world-class athletes such as Olympic gymnasts use bodyweight exercises as a primary means of building strength.

Body weight exercises either require you to support the weight of your body with one or more of your limbs, or use your core muscles to lift your limbs against gravity’s resistance. Many Pilates movements and yoga poses are body weight exercises, as are traditional calisthenics like push ups and squats. 

To build muscle and get stronger you need to place the muscles under tension by using significant resistance. So, to make bodyweight training an effective method of building muscle without weights, you have to progressively overload the muscles in the same way you would by adding weight in the gym.

Progressive overload’ refers to the concept of placing demands on the body which must be increased gradually over time to continue building muscle. Without progressive overload, your muscles have no reason to grow and adapt to handling heavier loads.

To build muscle without weights, you need to continually challenge your muscles by doing increasingly difficult bodyweight exercises – just as you would use heavier weights in the gym.

Body weight exercises generally improve muscular endurance; whether or not they can make you stronger is dependent on your current level of muscular strength.
If you’re unfit, you may only be able to perform 10 body weight squats with good form. As your muscles become stronger and your fitness increases, you can lift one foot off the floor at a time, performing single-leg squats. Once you’re able to perform a high number of single-leg squats -- with good form -- you can advance to plyometric, or jumping, squats.

Other ways to increase the load of bodyweight exercises by creating variations like stopping and holding the movement on the sticking points, doing the whole exercise slower and elevating a part of your body to increase the load (such as your feet during a one armed pushup), however you can use weights with bodyweight routines to keep yourself progressing into new territory. For example with chin ups, you can put a weight into a back pack and wear it while doing pull ups to increase the load.

Monday, November 3, 2014


It boogles the mind, but in this day and age I am still hearing martial artists say “strength training will make you slow”, “it will make you muscle-bound”, and “all you need is technique and do a million reps with light weights."

Times have changed!

It is now accepted that high levels of strength are a prerequisite to superior speed, power, strength endurance and overall performance. Coaches and trainers now recognize that proper strength training will make their athletes stronger, faster, and more resilient to injury.

Unfortunately, when most martial artists think of strength training, they think of the massive muscles of a bodybuilder, and that scares them, because they do not want to lose their speed, power or flexibility.

Typically you will see most practitioners of the martial arts doing tons of pushups, skipping rope and maybe some “functional training” stuff like tire flipping, sledge hammer, med balls drills… all typically conditioning drills, but none of that stuff really develops their strength. But a properly done strength training program can make a martial artist faster, more powerful, more flexible, and resilient to damage.

If martial artists focus only on developing maximum strength and muscular size, the benefits of strength training become limited. Martial artists must react with power to opponent's attack and maintain that power over numerous rounds. Simply lifting weights is not the best approach.

Martial arts-specific strength training programs are fundamental to an martial artists development and success.

Unfortunately, most strength training programs fall well short of what an athlete requires...

Bodybuilding and Olympic weightlifting programs still dominate many athletes' training regimes. While these types of training have their place, strength training for martial arts consists of a more refined approach than just following your favorite fitness magazines program of the month.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Staying well while those around you sniffle and sneeze requires that you extract as much nutrition from your diet as you can, loading up on the foods that pack the biggest nutritional punch.

Avoiding processed foods, grains, and sugar will go a long way toward strengthening your immune system. However, you can do even more by selecting foods that are loaded with specific immune-boosting nutrients.

Eating a diet rich in the following foods will be far better for your health than loading up on handfuls of supplements, or worse yet, falling victim to vaccines that expose you to health risks far worse than influenza.

Below, I have outlined what I consider to be 5 of the absolute best foods you can eat to help protect yourself this season, although the list is certainly not exhaustive.

1. Fermented Foods
If you are serious about boosting your immunity, then adding traditionally fermented foods is essential.

Good fermented foods include natto, kimchee, miso, tempeh, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt (watch out for sugar), and olives.
Friendly bacteria have a powerful, beneficial effect on your gut's immune system, your first line of defense against pathogens, and aid in the production of antibodies.

2. Coconut Oil
Besides being excellent for your thyroid and your metabolism, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts in your body to monolaurin. Monolaurin is the actual compound found in breast milk that strengthens a baby's immunity.

When selecting coconut oil, make sure you choose organic ones that are unrefined, unbleached, made without heat processing or chemicals, and are non-GMO.

3. Blueberries and Raspberries
Blueberries and raspberries contain powerful phytochemicals, such as anthocyanin, which is the pigment that gives blueberries their color. And they are lower in sugar than many other fruits.

4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms strengthen your immune system because they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and other minerals.

Mushrooms also contain powerful compounds called beta-, which have been long known for their immune enhancing properties. The beta-glucans in medicinal mushrooms (especially Reishi, Shiitake, and Maitake) are notable for their ability to activate/modulate your immune system.

5. Green Tea
Green teas are rich in polyphenols, in the form of natural chemicals called catechins. The most powerful catechin in tea is epigallocatechin (EGCG), which was found in one study to be 25 to 100 times more potent than antioxidant vitamins C and E.
Make special immunity-boosting teas from a combination of herbs that synergistically cause your body to sweat -- which is very desirable if you want to eradicate a virus from your system. And then drink it hot and often.

Your immune system relies on nutrition to fuel and support many of its important functions. Along with a healthy diet, quality dietary supplements are a great way to help ensure optimal function of your immune system.

Listed below are 3 of the top immune boosting supplements.

1. Echinacea
Long used by North American Plains Indians and also known as the purple coneflower, Echinacea has been used to treat general infections and wounds, the cold and flu, strep throat and allergies. The potent herb encourages white blood cells and lymphocytes to attack invading organisms, thus increasing the number and activity of immune system cells. While you can find echinacea in power bars, teas and capsules, researchers recommend the standardized extract above all other forms.

2. Vitamin C
Long known for its myriad health benefits, vitamin C is one of the most popular nutrients taken in supplement form—and for good reason. This potent antioxidant has been shown to protect against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even wrinkly skin. While many multivitamins and energy drinks, such as Emergen-C, include "superdosages" of vitamin C, the ubiquitous immune system booster can be found in many of our favorite fruits and vegetables, including red peppers, strawberries, broccoli, dark leafy greens, and of course, oranges.

3. Zinc
Zinc, an essential trace element with antioxidant properties, plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system. Individuals who suffer from mild to severe zinc deficiency are more prone to a variety of illnesses, but even those without a deficiency have been found to benefit from the administration of zinc, either in lozenge or spray form, at the early onset of a cold or flu.

By incorporating some of these fantastic foods and supplements, you'll not only evade the circulating viruses but improve your overall health and longevity at the same time.

Friday, January 31, 2014

<Print this out> 5 Easy Tips To Beat Stress

Stress is a fact of life, but being stressed out is not. We don’t always have control over what happens to us,  yet that doesn’t mean we have to react to a difficult, challenging situation by becoming frazzled or feeling overwhelmed or distraught. Being overly anxious is not just a mental hazard; it’s a physical one too. The more stressed out we are the more vulnerable we are to colds, flu, and a host of chronic or life-threatening illnesses.

For your benefit, I’ve come up with 5 easy, natural alternatives to anxiety.

1. Breathe Deep
Breathing from your diaphragm oxygenates your blood, which helps you relax almost instantly. Shallow chest breathing, by contrast, can cause your heart to beat faster and your muscles to tense up, exacerbating feelings of stress. To breathe deeply, begin by putting your hand on your abdomen just below the navel. Inhale slowly through your nose and watch your hand move out as your belly expands. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat several times.

2. Stop Gritting Your Teeth
Stress tends to settle in certain parts of our bodies, the jaw being one of them. When things get hectic, try this: Place your index fingertips on your jaw joints, just in front of your ears; clench your teeth and inhale deeply. Hold the breath for a moment, and as you exhale say, “Ah-h-h-h,” then unclench your teeth and open your mouth wide. Repeat a few times.

3. Just Say No
Trying to do everything is a one-way ticket to serious stress. Be clear about your limits, and stop trying to please everyone all the time.

4. Stretch
Muscles tighten during the course of the day, and when we feel stressed out, the process accelerates. Stretching loosens muscles and encourages deep breathing.

5. Get up and move
It forces you to breathe more deeply and improves circulation. Step outside if you can; if that’s not possible, you can gain many of the same benefits simply by walking to the bathroom or water cooler, doing some push ups or dips, or by just pacing back and forth. The key is to get up and move.

Hope these tips help,
Coach Kimbrow

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