Wednesday, February 2, 2011

7 Tips To Create The Perfect Conditions To Take Your Game To The NEXT LEVEL

“There is no try. There is only do or don't.” - Yoda

Adapted from Mark Bender's Train Tough The Army Way

How bad do you want it?

How bad do you want to achieve excellence in the sports you play? Are you gunning for the top or just putting in time? Do you have goals Or are you waiting to see what happens?

Go ahead, be honest. How bad do you want it. What kind of effort are you willing to put in? Fifty percent? Seventy-five percent? Ninety percent?

You think you're busting your butt; you might even be a starter. Seventy-five percent is a solid effort; you feel pretty good about yourself....

A 90 percent want-it rate makes you a player.

Guys look up to you. You have a few weaknesses... The only question is... are you going to own up to them?...

A 100 percent effort means every fiber of your being is on a mission...

At 110 percent, we leave planet earth and enter a whole new realm...

110 percenters rise to levels beyond there physical their physical gifts. They don't set out to be anything less than they are capable of being – they want to amaze people.

Here Are 7 Top Tips To Reach The Next Level:

Have a Goal – As an athlete, goal selection is part of your job. It's your job to define your destination and develop a strategy for getting there. Your destination is where you want to be, not a mythical wonderland of see-what-happens. Once you know your goal, you can focus all of your efforts on hitting it – and blasting through to the other side.

Make it a Habit – Good habits strengthen performance; bad habits add friction that makes achievement difficult. Every habit builds on every other habit. Good training habit make for good study and career habits. Identify, break down, and destroy bad habits; identify, build, and reinforce good habits.

Be a Warrior – Becoming a dedicated athlete is not an easy decision – but it's a choice that leads to extraordinary results. Dedicated athletes are like warriors. Warriors proceed as though the limits of their abilities do not exist. Most athletes try. Warriors don't just try. They perform as though their live depend on success.

Want It BAD – If you want something badly enough, you find a way to get it. You close off distractions and concentrate on the task. Your mind is right. Your desire is focused.

Set High Goals – Teams and individual players need goals. They need to ask the question, “What will it take to achieve the goals?” The answer always involves a tremendous amount of work. If it doesn't, then the goals aren't high enough. Lofty goals have high requirements.

Be Coachable – When somebody points out a problem or a weakness you have, accept it. Be open. Be coach-able. Don't take it personally. Getting defensive is taking a step away from the reality you need to confront. The truth eventually comes out in the sporting world – usually during the game. Get it out before then, so you can learn from it.

Lead the Way – Think of yourself as a leader. Demonstrate leadership by the way you conduct yourself. Quiet at first, and deferential, you slowly but powerfully exert the force of your personality on others. You accomplish this by doing – by demonstrating that you have control of yourself and are fit to lead others. Leadership is a trust that is earned.

To be a successful athlete you need to have a successful plan of attack and plans don't just happen by chance. You basically have 4 choices.

You can do nothing and keep getting the same results that you have been getting. I'm wondering though, are you getting the results you deserve?

You can spend years reading books, testing various programs out on yourself. Unfortunately, very few people people actually turn their knowledge into action.

You might even go to a friend or a family member and ask them to help you out. That's OK if that person has the knowledge and experience to implement the strategies you need to step up to the next level. If not than you probably still wont get the results you deserve.

The last thing that you can do is to work with a professional, someone who can guide you step by step and hold you accountable for your actions and results. You see, when you are working with a professional you are guaranteed results.

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