Adapted from Mark Bender's Train Tough The Army Way
“Set the example in physical fitness. It is a fact that physically fit people are mentally, physically, and emotionally stronger than people who are not. Physically fit people are better able to withstand stress in peace and war.” - Army Field Manual
The secret?
Are you ready for it?
The secret to dominating the competition is... SUPERCONDITIONING
Huh? What's that, you ask?
It's the result of almost all world class athletic performance... It helps to cover up the weaknesses in your game... and it will pay off when you see the other guy quit and you are still ready, pushing forward.
Superconditioning is being SUPREMELY conditioned for your sport. And the only way to get there is to train harder and smarter than your competitors.
OK Dorothy,
Here is your yellow brick road:
First, list the critical skills for your sport. Focus your plan on these skills, and be sure that what you are practicing is fundamentally sounds. It is a big waste of time getting good at doing the wrong things.
Next, tailor your conditioning program to the sports you play. Undoubtedly, this will include a mix of strength, flexibility , and endurance training. It should also include speed and agility training.
Again learn correct technique. The best way to do this is to hook up with a competent trainer. There are also a number of helpful videos and books on the market. Trust me, life is too short to waste time training without the right program and the proper technique.
Along with strength training, you need an aerobic workout and for most of us that means running. You run to build endurance and stamina. Running raises your metabolism and burn off fat. For maximum effect in the shortest amount of time, consider wind sprints. Try sprinting 100 yards at 70 percent effort and jog back to your starting point. Do that 6 times and add a rep each workout until you can do 12 sprints in a row.
With any strength and conditioning program that you choose, you must first establish a base and never allow yourself to get to the point where you have to start from scratch. You lose 80 percent of your conditioning after 4 weeks of inactivity and it would take a whole month of hard work to get it back to where it WAS. And don't forget about the basics, like push ups, pull ups, squats, lunges, jumps, and sit ups – it's amazing what you can accomplish with no equipment at all.
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